Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walking in a dead man's shoes

I had a dream about an old man I somehow knew. I didn’t know him well but had some assumptions about him. He seemed to have had a full life. I was going to help him become more active, do some walking, the next day. The next day though he quietly died. I went to his house, where he lived alone. All I could hear was a whispering sadness. I found his walking shoes next to his bed. They were old, but never worn. I instinctively put them on. They fit perfectly.

Unlived lives, unanswered calls, unrequited love, unwritten songs, unopened letters, undiscovered selves, unfinished stories, unspoken words, unembraced mornings, untaken risks, unawakened belief, undoing what has to be undone.

The riposte: saying yes to the now, being consciously present, living the questions.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"You will be bursting with energy, like colts frisky and frolicking." - Malachi 4:3

"All of the truly important battles are waged within the self. It is as if we are all tempted to view ourselves as men on horseback. the horse represents a lusty animal-way of living, untrammeled by reason, unguided by purpose. The rider represents independent, impartial thought, a sort of pure cold intelligence. Too often the pilgrim lives as though his goal is to become the horseman who would break the horse's spirit so that he can control him, so that he may ride safely and comfortably wherever he wishes to go. If he does not wish to struggle for discipline, it is because he believes that his only options will be either to live the lusty, undirected life of the riderless horse, or to tread the detached, unadventuresome way of the horseless rider. If neither of these, then he must be the rider struggling to gain control of his rebellious mount. He does not see that there will be no struggle, once he recognises himself as a centaur."
- Sheldon Kopp in If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!